The charity register
All charities or charitable incorporated organisations (CIO) in England and Wales with an income above £5,000 are included in the register. By making a search you can find information including;
- what the charity does
- trustees
- finance information, like income and expenditure
- any actions the Charity Commission has taken against the charity

How can I find out what a charity was set up to do?
You can find information on the work and aims of a charity by clicking on the ‘What, who, how, where’ tab on their register page.

How can I find out more about a charity’s finances?
The charity overview tab will show information about how the charity spends its money, including income and expenditure.

How can I see how many people work at a charity?
On the charity overview page, you can find the number of employees, trustees and volunteers, along with employee benefits information.

How can I see what charities are in my local area?
You can use the advanced search function to choose the area where a charity operates. Scroll down the page to choose local area you wish you view.
About the Charity Commission
We are the regulator of charities in England and Wales and maintain the charity register.
We are an independent, non-ministerial government department accountable to Parliament.
As registrar, we are responsible for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date register of charities. This includes deciding whether organisations are charitable and should be registered. We also remove charities that are not considered to be charitable, no longer exist or do not operate.
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